Garage Forum Housekeeping Rules

  1. To help us provide the most accurate recommendations and answers to your post, please include the year, make and model, or part number in your post.

  2. As an online community for technicians, please be respectful in your posts and responses, and keep it professional.  Profanity, lewd imagery, and offensives posts, replies, and images will be removed if reported.

  3. This is a non-commerce forum – sales posts or threads will not be approved.

  4. Pictures and videos are always welcome – and helpful. Please consider file size when uploading videos or images.

  5. Submitting questions to the forum allows us to keep track of each question and may help others with the same/similar questions in the future. For any Garage Forum issues, please email


Frequently Asked Questions

Q:    Can I participate in the Garage Forum?
A:     The Garage Forum is meant for technicians to engage online in a community setting.

Q:    How do I register?
A:     To register for the Garage Forum, please register as a Technician/Counterman/Student. When you are registering, you have the option to opt-in to the Garage Forum and then select a username, avatar and expertise setting. Once you have completed this registration, you have automatic access to the Garage Forum.

Q:    Where is my discussion post or reply?
A:     Discussions posts and replies should appear within a 24-48 hour timeframe at most. If a discussion post or reply is deemed offensive or goes against the privacy policy of Federal-Mogul Motorparts, the Garage Forum administrators have the capability to remove the discussion post or reply.

Q:    How long should I expect to wait for my question to be answered?
A:     As an online community, our goal is encourage other technicians to participate in the conversation. The Garage Gurus technical team will also participate in conversations when necessary.

Q:    How can I earn Garage Rewards points on the Garage Forum?
A:     There are several ways to earn points and they are listed on the EARN POINTS page of the website. Check back frequently as that page will be updated with new ways to earn points.

Q:    Where are my Garage Rewards points?
A:     Please allow up to 48-72 hours for your points to be added to your account. If you experience any issues with your points, please email

Q:    What is a Hot Topic? What are the perimeters?
A:     A ‘Hot Topic’ discussion is designated by a fire icon. If a discussion gets a minimum number of engagements, it gets a Hot Topic designation. An engagement is determined as either: 25 replies, 250 views, or 25 good discussions. A Hot Topic lasts for about 30 days.

Q:    How do I earn a Community Engagement Award? What are the parameters?
A:     When a user’s reply gets a minimum of five (5) “Most Helpful Responses”, they earn a Community Engagement Award. This is no limit on this award.

Q:    How do I become an Elite Tech?
A:     To become an Elite Tech, you must achieve a combination of ten (10) community engagement awards and/or Hot Topics. Once you become an Elite Tech, you do not lose this designation.

Q:    How do I become a Top Contributor?
A:    To become a Top Contributor, a user must be one of the top 10 Contributors with the highest amount of content submissions (e.g. discussions, replies) during a four (4) week period beginning on the first day of each calendar month (the “Timeframe”). A maximum of 10 Top Contributors will be selected within each Timeframe. If there is a tie for the 10th spot as Top Contributor, the user with the most replies overall will take that designated spot. Once a user first becomes a Top Contributor in a calendar year, he/she will receive Garage Rewards points. Top Contributor points can only be obtained once per calendar year..

Q:    How are the trending discussions determined?
A:     A trending discussion is determined by the highest number of views within the last five (5) days.

Q:    I have a question about Garage Rewards. Who should I contact?
A:     All general inquiries for the Garage Rewards can be emailed to Please allow up to 24-48 hours for a response, depending on the day of the week.

Q:    I have a question about the Garage Forum. Who should I contact?
A:     All general inquiries for the Garage Rewards can be emailed to Please allow up to 24-48 hours for a response, depending on the day of the week.

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